About Me

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Hey Ya'll I'm Rachel I'm a "Southern Girl" with a passion for writing, cooking, crafting and running. Three of the most important things in my life are my, handsome guitar playing, husband Stephan our hilarious genius child Ephraim Brite and our beautiful girl Wren Eisley Take a look around and get to know me!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

That's so Pinteresting

I am so very sorry about the lack of posts the last 5 few days. I have missed the old blog!
Brief synopsis of the past few days:
Ephraim has been sick. We went to Cracker Barrel with all the extended family (on my moms side) on Saturday for a fathers day breakfast. When we got there Ephraim proudly walked through the front doors. Stephan and I went off on our "secret adventure" while E stayed with my parents. I promise there will be more to come on our "secret" as soon as we have all the loose ends tied up! After our adventure we picked up E and we were off to our nieces 4th birthday party. By Saturday night I had completely lost my voice. It was awful.  Sunday E was still sick so he gave Stephan some pretty special fathers day cuddles, or maybe it was the other way around. I slowly regained the ability to talk but still sound froggie. We had to take our little man back to the doctor Tuesday because he wasn't getting any better.... 
Diagnosis: Double ear infection.

I'm so ready for my little to feel better. It breaks my heart when he is sick! Here's to hoping we both get back to normal soon.

When I'm sick I find myself filling up my pin boards, on pinterest, a lot more than usual
Here are a few of my new favorites:
This fun table will be one of the first things I try my hand at when I start refinishing furniture
from this...

via: Nine Red

I adore this color scheme. This will be the scheme for our bedroom

I found this
and made it yesterday. It's supposed to help boost weight loss and just be a general cleansing drink. Perfect for being sick right?! It is SO yummy and refreshing. 

I think this next one is one of my all time favorite ideas I've ever found on pinterest.
The date night jar via: Life in the Green House
The red sticks are ideas that cost $$$ and require some planning, the white sticks are stay at home dates, and the pink cost $ and are spontaneous. I mean how fun is that?! Everyone should go check out the blog I found this on. She has some great ideas.

and I will leave you with one of the cutest things I have ever laid eyes on:

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday! I'm feeling much better today so no more slacking on the blogging.


  1. love that table!! i hope your little boy is feeling better!

    new follower from the GFC Blog Hop!

  2. RachelSusanneNicholsJune 21, 2012 at 12:16 PM

    Love the blog hop! I'm slowly but surely visiting all the lovely blogs!
    Thank you! He's slowly getting better :)

  3. Love your blog! Amazing crafts. New follower via Krystal's Kitsch!
