About Me

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Hey Ya'll I'm Rachel I'm a "Southern Girl" with a passion for writing, cooking, crafting and running. Three of the most important things in my life are my, handsome guitar playing, husband Stephan our hilarious genius child Ephraim Brite and our beautiful girl Wren Eisley Take a look around and get to know me!

Monday, July 16, 2012

How to Educate Your Toddler-- 2K12 Style

Learn more and support goals by visiting our Healthy Routines Facebook Page. #HealthyHabits #CGC

As a mom, it is very important to me to find educational ways to keep E entertained. It is never too early to start educating your little one! I started teaching E sign language at 4 months old, of course he couldn't do it back then, but one day {at about 8 months old} he just started signing to me. I was shocked, but it really made me see how much they can soak up and learn at such a young age. They're like little sponges!

Ephraim loves to play with my iPhone. Even though our home is filled with toys of all kinds he would 9 times out of 10 pick my phone to play with. I really don't want him to just watch movies or "play" angry birds, so I am always looking for fun educational apps for him to play.

Here are some of my favorite apps for E:

This is my go to app for all things sign language.
Fun Fact: On average, babies/kids who learn to sign know 50 more words by the time they are 2 than kids who didn't learn to sign.
This app will organize the words for you alphabetical or in categories such as: Holiday, Food, Animals, etc. A lady will show you and your child how to sign the word you chose and there is even a "Signs Quiz" feature.
This app is created by Parents Magazine. It come with so many different "packs" of flash cards like, letters, colors and shapes. Your child can play games in each "pack" Ephraim loves to trace the letters with his fingers, in the trace game. This is such a great way for you to interact with your toddler while helping them learn their letters and numbers. Your kids will love it when they get an "award" for their learning!

The games in this app are designed for preschool aged children. There are four quizzes to test your preschooler on their numbers, letters, shapes and colors. Even though there are only four quizzes, your little one will never get bored, because the games change as your child's knowledge progresses. I can't wait for E to be old enough to use this one. I think he will like the challenge of changing levels

and finally....

iWriteWords teaches your little one how to write, while playing a fun and entertaining game! This app features 70 word levels with upper and lower case letters and has 20 number levels. Your child can trace letters, draw pictures based on words and so much more.

For more tips on how to set your children up for success check out Healthy Routines Facebook page!

Ephraim started learning early!

As a member of Clever Girls Collective, I was selected to participate in the Healthy Habits program sponsored by Kimberly-Clark and Colgate-Palmolive. The content and opinions expressed here are all my own. #healthyhabits #cgc

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