About Me

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Hey Ya'll I'm Rachel I'm a "Southern Girl" with a passion for writing, cooking, crafting and running. Three of the most important things in my life are my, handsome guitar playing, husband Stephan our hilarious genius child Ephraim Brite and our beautiful girl Wren Eisley Take a look around and get to know me!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hello Again Old Friend

Hi friends!

It has been so long, and I have really missed blogging.

when life gets crazy you have to cut back. This was one of the things I had to cut for a while.

Here is a quick update on our family...
Since my last update in 2013 we have:
-Purchased a home
-I have grown my little craft business, into a bigger "little craft business"
-We bought a car
-We got a cat
-My car blew up
-We bought another car
-We got another dog 
- We found out we were expecting baby Nichols 2
-We found out baby Nichols 2 was going to be a girl
-We had our daughter, Wren Eisley Nichols

Since having a baby [5 weeks ago today] we have been spending our days with her in the NICU.

Did I think I would ever blog again? Yes! 
Did I think the thing to, kick me in the tail, and make me blog again would be having a baby in the NICU? Absolutely not!

But I have learned a lot these past 5 weeks, and I know it needs to be documented.
She needs to know all sides of her journey home. What she went through, how we dealt with all of it, how we grew, how God healed her.

I have so much from the past weeks, bouncing around in my head. I hope that you'll bear with me as I get it all written down, and spruce up the old blog a little. I'm looking forward to sharing every bit of it! 

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