Hey lovely ladies! My name is Jenny and I blog over at Strickly Stricklands! When Rachel asked me to guest post for her while she was on vacation, I was honored and of course I said yes! Rachel - We all hope you are having a great time and enjoying your vacation! We can’t wait to read all about it!
I do have to admit that I didn’t really know what to post about when she first asked me. I not the best blogger. I'm not great with words or punctuation. But I thought about it for a few days and decided I would post about when I tried out for majorette in high school!
I have lived in the same small town in SE Alabama my whole life! High school football was a huge thing in our small town! Everyone went to the games to support not only the football teram and cheerleaders but also the marching band. I was always loved the band. While most young girls would watch the cheerleaders and dream of being one one day. I was memorized by the majorettes! They were always so beautiful to me! I loved the sparkly uniforms they wore, their big hair (this was in the late 80’s and early 90’s) , their white boots, how talented they were and the pretty makeup! I loved it all! But I remember the main thing that stuck out to me was how confident they were! I remember telling my mom that I would be one of those girls one day!
Fast forward to my 6th grade school year. In order to try out for an auxiliary - majorette or color guard - you had to first play an instrument in the marching band for 2 years! You couldn’t start marching until 8th grade, so at the beginning of 6th grade I decided I would play the flute! I’m not gonna lie. I HATED it to begin with! Concert band was so boring! But I knew in order to be a majorette one day I would have to suck it up and play it! I made it through 6th and 7th grade and was so excited that I would finally be able to march in the band the next school year!
I learned quickly that marching band was hard work! For the first time I wasn’t able to walk around at a football game. I was sitting in the stands in a super hot uniform playing the flute! But again, I knew that I had to do this in order to be a majorette. I should say now that my mom had bought my sister and I some batons a few years earlier. Somehow during band practice I would watch the majorettes and would learn the routines, although I was not a very good twirler at the time. But that didn’t stop me from practicing!
After football season ended during my 9th grade year my mom hired a family friend, who was a former majorette, to teach me the basics! Tryouts was in April so I had 6 months to practice. We met twice a week for two hours each time! She taught me so much! By the time tryouts got here I was ready! There were 6 of us girls that tried out! Only 4 made it... Unfortunately I was not one.
I didn’t understand! I did everything perfect! I had no drops, my hands and feet were perfect, and I aced the group routine. I didn’t understand! How did my best friend, who I taught all the basics to just 2 weeks before tryouts, make it and I didn’t? I was broken hearted!
After tryouts my band director met with me and my mom. I remember his speech like it was yesterday! He told me that the judges were very impressed with me. And I did have a very high performance score. The only reason I didn’t make it was due to my teacher evaluations score. Of course the highest teacher evaluation your could get was a 100. My teachers average was a 72. It was the lowest teacher evaluation score of the day. Out of all 6 trying out for majorette and all 8 trying out for color guard. I never knew that I was acting so horribly in class until then. But I admit, I hated (and still do) being told what to do! And honestly I had a bad attitude! I sat crying in his office so upset with myself. Especially after seeing how high my performance score really was! If my teacher evaluation score would have just been an 80, I would have made it! It was very upsetting, especially since it was my fault! I couldn’t blame anyone else! My band director told me he knew how badly I wanted to be a majorette. He told me not to give up! He said I want to see you try out again next year! He told me he knew I was a good student, I just had to believe it! Because he did!
The very next day I picked back up my batons and continued practicing! The following Monday I had a completely different attitude during school! I started listening to my teachers and my sour attitude was gone! I was starting to believe it!
Football season of my Sophomore year started and it was very hard watching the majorettes and knowing I was so close! But that made me want to try harder!
This time I didn’t get help from our family friend. I knew all the basics and would learn the group routine the week of tryouts! But I was so nervous when tryout day came!
Again I had no drops and aced the group routine! Before we tried out my band director let me look at my teacher evaluation score. I had a 98! What a huge differeance! I was so proud of myself!
4 of us made it that year. I was finally a majorette! I was over the moon excited!
I am sorry for the quality of the pictures. I took pictures of pictures with my phone so they aren't that great!
I am on far right - Junior year
Twirling on that field in front of hundreds of people was a wonderful feeling!
Tryouts came again in April 2002 I not only made majorette... I made head majorette! Just 2 short years before my heart was breaking because I didn’t make it and I didn’t believe in myself. And there I was reading the results seeing my name on the top of the list as head majorette! Just in time for my senior year!
I'm second from left - Senior year
People couldn't believe I picked black uniforms with black boots! It was the first time ever for our schools majorettes to have black boots! But I think it fit us so well! And every competition we went to the judges would always say how sharp we looked! I had such a good group of girls! We were such good friends that year!
People couldn't believe I picked black uniforms with black boots! It was the first time ever for our schools majorettes to have black boots! But I think it fit us so well! And every competition we went to the judges would always say how sharp we looked! I had such a good group of girls! We were such good friends that year!
So the moral of my story is... NEVER give up! Like one of my favorite songs - Don’t stop believin'! You can do anything you dream of!
Thank you again to Rachel for allowing me to guest post!
Jenny, I loved reading this! This is so awesome and such a reminder that we can do anything we put our minds to! Ahhh, this is just what I need this week. Thank you!